Wednesday, September 27, 2006


( <--- Best site in the universe!

<-------GREATEST SHIRT EVER (and yet, I don't own it). This shirt basically sums up my attitude about those who claim "animal cruelty" when ever they see a piece of meat.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Morning practice kinda blows

Every Tuesday, Thurseday, and Saturday morning, I am unwillingly forced to praticipate in the swimming ritual known as "morning practice". Although sometimes enjoyable, this wearysome task completely wipes me out for the following hours of my day that comprise the incredibal waste of time known as school. Seriously, who the hell thought it would be a good idea to get a bunh of kids, take away their freedom, and dump them in an building that has allarming similarity to a federal penetentary? We are forced by our parents and other authority figures in our lives to spend about seven hours a day in this god forsaken building, wasting the prime of our youth, just so we can get into a decient college. to be continued.....