Sunday, October 08, 2006

About the following videos

The videos that are shown below this message do contain some violence, and might not be worthwhile to watch if you hate anything and everything to do with violence, weapons, and war. Then again, if that stuff offends you, then you probobly shouldn't be reading my blog.
***if you do wish to view the videos, you might want to wait a bit for them to fully load.

Taliban Bodies

A simple video about war in Afghanistan, with a very simple and understandable message to go along with it.

USA Airpower

A short clip about the USA firepower. Basic message: We have the bigger guns.


...was a lot of fun. except getting frisked by a cop everytime i went to get stuff out of the coat-check room. that kinda sucked. but besides that, the music was good, the dancing was good, and im pretty sure that im never gonna be able to look at the cafeteria the same way again.

the US military kicks ass

basically, everything below this plane is scewed. Each one of these bombs is a CBU-87 clusterbomb being dropped over an undesclosed location. Each CBU-87 cluster bomb contains 202 individual submunitions, also called "bomblets," designated BLU-97/B. The CBU-87s are formally known as Combined Effects Munitions (CEM) because each bomblet has an antitank and antipersonnel effect, as well as an incendiary capability. The bomblets from each CBU-87 are typically distributed over an area roughly 100 x 50 meters. so obviously, its not a good idea to pick a fight with the US military.